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Heart of the Hunter





Action, Thriller

A retired assassin is pulled back into action when his friend uncovers a dangerous conspiracy at the heart of the South African government.

Director :

Mandla Dube

Bonko Khoza, Connie Ferguson, Masasa Mbangeni, Tim Theron, Peter Butler, Nicole Fortuin, Sisanda Henna, Milan Murray, Boleng Mogotsi, Wanda Banda, Stefan Erasmus, Natalie Walsh, Jandre le Roux, Sobantu Nqayi, Grant Ross, Mehboob Bawa, Nathan Castle, Shane John Kruger, Kabelo Chalatsane Mokoena, Zoya Pon, Lauren Scholtz
Heart of the Hunter
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Heart of the Hunter

Language :


Country :

South Africa

Origin :
South Africa, Hollywood
Release year:


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Action, Thriller
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