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Love on the Right Course





1 hour 24 minutes


Comedy, Romance

Thirty-year-old Whitney Williams, a professional golfer, suffers a series of setbacks that lead her to question her future in the sport. After an extended losing streak, she returns home to Budapest, Hungary, to reevaluate her future in the sport. There she meets a golf pro who helps her rediscover the joy of the game. In the process, she finds love.

Director :

Stefan Scaini

Ashley Newbrough as Whitney Jones-Béla Marcus Rosner as Daniel Balázs Roy McCrerey as Márton Béla Steve Byers as Andrew Kline Brittany Bristow as Brooke Bradshaw Mark Zecchino as Kara Wagland Katalin Ruzsik as Zsuzsanna Gabas Evelin Dobos as Bianka Kalmár Adam Boncz as Laszlo Gabas Barbara Xantus as Maria Zsolt Bognár as Kristof Balázs Joe T. Horn as Tamas Balázs (credited as Joe Horn) Lorena Santana Somogyi as Tina Stevens Ninja The Dog as Zuki
 Love on the Right Course
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Love on the Right Course

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Country :

Canada, Hungary

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Comedy, Romance
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